Fifth Annual NAC Thanksgiving Dinner Celebrates Santa Ana Student Revitalization

(Excerpt from the official press release): SANTA ANA, CA. – NOV. 22
– The Nicholas Academic Centers (NAC) held their fifth annual Thanksgiving dinner event last Friday with more than 450 inner-city high school students and their families, celebrating the impressive academic success achieved by NAC participants.
"We have top-ranked, major universities beating down our doors to court our students," said
(NASDAQ:BRCM) Co-Founder and former CEO
, who founded the NAC in 2008 with retired Superior Court Judge Jack Mandel. "For those of you who are first generation college students, I admire the bravery it takes to be that path-breaker."
Nicholas, who will match a portion of the funds, added, "You guys are on track to earn $2 million in scholarships, and I will be writing a check at the end of the year for an additional $1 million."