8th Annual NAC Graduation Celebration (6/11/2016)

Since the NAC’s inception in 2008, our program has mentored and guided 727 students through high school and enrollment in college. Locally and out of state, NAC scholars are able to flourish in any college environment. To date, our scholars have been awarded a total of $33 million in the form of grants and scholarship funding. Our students’ baccalaureate degree completion rates for 4 and 5 years are 56% and 75% respectively, compared to the national average of 39% and 55%, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
This year’s graduating class earned acceptances into over 90 colleges and universities, including Harvard, Cornell University, MIT, Notre Dame, UCLA, USC, and Berkeley to name a few. NAC Co-Founder & Financier, Dr. Henry T. Nicholas, III, commended NAC Scholars for overcoming economic and cultural barriers and “crushing” the statistics for college admission retention. Approximately 80% of the NAC’s Class of 2016 will enroll directly into a 4-year fully accredited university, compared to a National average of 42% and only 26% for Latinos according to the National Center for Education Statistics.